Payment Methods

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Payment methods page We accept bank transfers, cryptocurrency and Paypal. For this, you will find all the information here

  • Payment in crypto:

    We accept payments in Bitcoin (BTC) and Etherium (ETH) cryptocurrencies.

    Here is our information:

    Bitcoin Wallet Address (BTC):


    Adesse Wallet Etherium (ETH):


    Once the transfer has been made, please send us proof of payment by email to with the subject line “Proof of transfer”. You will then receive the confirmation email

  • Payment with Paypal:

    We accept payments by transfer

    Here is our banking information:

    Please choose the Euro as the payment destination currency.

    Here is our Paypal account:

    Once the transfer has been made as payment to a loved one, please send us proof of payment by email to with the subject line "Proof of transfer". You will then receive the confirmation email

Stripe is used as a payment gateway, so none of your data (credit and debit card numbers, bank account numbers, passwords, etc.) reaches our servers.

Made the payment. A community manager will launch your campaign directly.

All genres of music are accepted, campaigns start within 24 hours. You will have the opportunity to benefit from support with our team 24/24, 7/7.

To track the progress of your campaign. This is very simple, just go to the analytics of the platform where your music is being promoted. You will then get a precise report on the progress of the promotion.

Start your promotion now!